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regarding coils and resistance

Subject: regarding coils and resistance
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 07:47:29 EDT
Fellow fiends:

I should ask myself why I am going public with such a demonstration of lack 
of knowledge, but I won't.  Regarding my explanation of the coil problem 
(see "humble pie, revisited") I don't for certain know that that explanation 
is correct.  I was really just passing along the explanation of a local car 
guy (who sounded like he knew what he was talking about) in a cleverly 
disguised format.  Now you've got me curious.  Let's see...

My trusty physics text (Scott #1 should be shouting "run away!" about now) 
says that V=IR  (Ohm's law).  So, if currant is held constant, and 
resistance is increased, then...oops, voltage *increases!*  Well, end of 
lecture!  I guess my explanation doesn't work so well.  Yes, I think its 
about time for someone who knows what he/she is talking about to speak up 
before this thread gets completely out of control.

Any ee types out there?  Speak up!  The happiness of more than one 
individual may depend upon it!

Will "at least the car knows how to work" Zehring

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