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Phil Ethier goes bye-bye

Subject: Phil Ethier goes bye-bye
From: (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 11:56:11 -0500 (CDT)
Phil Ethier goes bye-bye

unsubscribe from british-cars

Words cannot convey how hard that simple line is to type.

I have known for some time that I ought to do this.  I have an addictive
personality.  It is a good thing I never got into booze, coffee and
cigarettes.  I knew I had to cut back on my net time.  But, just one more
message...  No.  Cold Turkey.  british-cars is a large  list, and I keep
reading and responding to things on it.

I am not leaving the net.  I will still probably be active on autox and
lotus-cars so if you want to read about me and Grace N. Violence, you will
have to catch me there.  I will try to merely lurk on quattro and
rx7-club, as I have a Quantum Syncro and an RX-7 lying about the house as
well as the Europa.

This seems almost traitorous, after being named as one of the Ten True
Keepers recently.  I cannot remember which list I discovered first, the
autocross list or the British Cars list.  They were really close to each
other, though.  I had just sold my Sonett and gotten a basket-case Midget.
 Must have been the spring of 1989.  You all helped me enormously on that
car, and in the process, became my friends.  Eventually, as I worked on
the car and drove it, I became known as somewhat of a Spridget expert
myself.  I think this happens to most of us.  Computers are these
wonderful tools that help us collect large amounts of information and hang
on to it.  When we all get together to share our experiences, we learn
what's what in the real world.  Knowledge is power.  I really could not
tear myself away from british-cars if lotus-cars did not exist.

"What about the Monster List?" you say.  Some time back I pulled together
reports on vendors from several lists that were around the net, the
biggest two of which were Austin-Healey and Triumph.  I combined them in
an alphabetic list, with some cross-references.  Over the years, I have
added to it and kept it current with the help of you all, in your postings
to the list.  Since I just recently got ftp ability, the copy on the
server was updated infrequently.  That now-out-of-date file was called
brit_vendors.ascii and I removed it this morning.  There are four files
there now with the most up-to-date info.  They are:


I'd like to think that one of you would pick up the torch on this, as I
think it is a valuable resource and can be even more valuable as time goes
by.  It just entails:

Keeping the master list updated.
Posting updates to the server on triumph.
E-mailing copies to the ftp-impaired on request.
Letting new posters know it exists.

This should be even easier for someone that knows what (s)he is doing than
it was for me.

Well, I guess I ought not stand around with my hand on the doorknob. 
Thanks a million, all of you.

Phil Ethier, THE RIGHT LINE, 672 Orleans St, Saint Paul, MN  55107-2676  USA
h (612) 224-3105  w (612) 266-6244
It's still hip to be octagonal.  Whaddaya call the Lotus emblem shape, anyway?

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