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Re: Misc replys

To: Philip J Ethier <>
Subject: Re: Misc replys
From: carguy <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 10:55:39 -0400 (EDT)
> carguy writes > 
> > BTW, ever see a SCCA Improved Touring class B race?  Losta Volvos up 
> > front usually.  
> Not around here.  Can't remember any mention of Volvos in all the bench
> racing by our local ITB expert (who won his Regional championships in an
> Omni).  
> Phil in Minnesota

Dear Phil: Come to Mid-Ohio, with your Omni friend, and meet the "Volvos 
from Hell" (actually they are from NJ).  They are fast, probably not 
legal, but then no IT car ever is.

regards, d the B'r.

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