>From: Duncan Bryan <bryan@Roborough.gpsemi.COM>
>*The boot covering the front CV joint on the prop shaft [of my TR7] is gone.
>Sorry. I'm confused. A CV joint on a propshaft?
Don't worry, you're not the first. I'm getting to the point that it would
save a lot of difficulty if I went around with the bootless propshaft in
hand, just to prove that it was British Leyland, not me, that's got a screw
loose. The real pisser is that BL's parts catalogue lists the prop shaft
as, get this, *one* part. "I'm sorry madam, there are no joints in that
shaft". <slap forehead> Oh, the shaft is solid, why didn't I think of that!
>Don't you mean a UJ
>( Universal joint as opposed to a constant velocity joint? )
Why would I be looking for a U joint boot? I will concede that older TR7s
had a U joint at the rear end of the prop shaft, but mine has a CV joint
there as well, and with the wierdest casing I've ever seen. Regardless,
I'm looking for a boot for the front one, which is much like the outboard
CV joints on many FWD cars. As I mentioned in my previous message,
description of failed attempt at boot replacement number one, I had it
completely apart on Sunday. I even have witnesses.
> Yes they are different.
Quite. Unmistakable, even.
>Mini CV boots ae not flat. They are.. well... CV boot shaped.
>Incidentally an Austin 1100 is completely different to a mini.
But are the CV joint boots the same? Is there a Mini mailorder house
jlevine@rd.hydro.on.ca - Toronto, Canada - '80 TR7 5 speed