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Fast Spridgets

Subject: Fast Spridgets
From: (James Arnold)
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 16:27:32 GMT
I wonder if those with experience of tuned Spridgets would be so kind as to
share it with me.
I'm planning to build a fast road Midget, with as powerful an engine
as is practical (both drivability and cost apply here).  What I want to 
know is whether the gear box is going to handle the power/torque.
Are straight cut g/boxes still round? and if so are they practical for a
road car (No, I don't wear ear defenders usually).

I'm also interested in what power I might get. I'd like as much as possible :) 
Vizard's book hints that 110 bhp is achievable for road use.  

I imagine that I'll need to keep the back axle in place with something or 
other. Are anti tramp bar (a commonly advertised add-on in the UK) any good?

Anyone care to comment on their experiences?

Cheers for any help,
James "I like oversteer" Arnold.

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