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Re: Sputtering MGB

Subject: Re: Sputtering MGB
From: mws1@admin01.osi.COM (Matt Silveira x257)
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 08:05:17 PDT
Well, you don't mention more symptoms.  I would suspect either (or
both) the electrical and fuel systems.  If it is a "sharp" cut-out,
like a switch, it is probably electrical.  If a gradual, look to fuel
starvation.  A bad condenser usually (I say this because not always
true) will cut-out when hot and then, when cool, will start and run for
a brief time.  Also, check all ignition wires, rotor, cap, and points
for proper dwell and gap.  (Never can be too sure or too safe.)  I
would be willing to bet that a sputtering problem indicates some fuel
related issue.  Best way to check (duh) is start from one end of the
system and work to the other.  Also, check for rotten rubber fuel
lines. (Ahh... the rubber on some of these things gets crumbly or
liquid like and then really gums up the works.)


Matt Silveira
System Engineer
"Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer."

Thought for the week:

Oops.  My brain just hit a bad sector.

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