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Righty tighty, lefty loosy

Subject: Righty tighty, lefty loosy
From: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691)
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 94 08:40:19 MDT
Jerry wrote:

 > *** I thought the riding-on-the-right was a technique pioneered by Napolean,
 > to confuse lookouts about the direction of approaching troops.

It's also rumored that he taught the horses to gallop backwards to
futher confuse the lookouts.  This turned out to be poor planning as
you could sneek up on the troops from the front.  :-)

Ob Brit Car: The flywheel (with new ringgear) will go into the car
tonight!  After which I plan to rotate each tire a quarter turn on the
lugs to help the wear pattern.  :-) :-) :-) Actually, investigating
the old ring gear did show a pattern of wear, where the engine
"preferred" to rest.  Very interesting...

Does anyone know where Larry Snyder is going to be this weekend?  He's
rumored to be in Boulder, and I would like to visit.  Anyone know
where I might reach him?

Scotty "I didn't make the coffee, I just drink it" Paisley

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  • Righty tighty, lefty loosy, Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691 <=