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Re: Nice Days, Short Ride

Subject: Re: Nice Days, Short Ride
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 1994 16:28:41 -0500 (EST)

Just read George Haynes' idea about taking the long route on nice days. I
wholehearted concur. However, I see Ray's dilemma. In several different

Ray, I'm not exactly sure where in VT you live, but I would think that a brisk
drive up to Essex Junction and then north on 128 up to 104, thence to 15, turn
right at 108 and over Mt. Mansfield, right on 100 south (wave to the Von Trapps
on the way through Stowe), south on 100 to 2 and back to Burlington. I suppose
it's more like a 50 mile route, but it is scenic. The advantage to this route
in a Frogeye is that you can probably go through the gap on Mt. Mansfield at
relative speed (as opposed to big cars like TR6's that need to negotiate the
turns at say 15 MPH)...

Seriously, when I got my TR6 back on the road I used to take _every_ short trip
via the long route. I think my wife got tired of asking "when will you be back
from the hardware store?", because I'd wind up going to the store that was a
couple of towns away ;-) and _every_ trip used to take an hour or two. But it
was fun! I pretty much need to keep away from the TR6 when I actually need to
accomplish some work (other than work on the TR6, of course).

But, every time I see that it's going to be a nice day I really really really
think about taking the TR6 for a long ride and bagging work all together. Alas,
reality bears it's ugly head and off I go in the _other_ car.

There must be a philosophical message here...


p.s. Any SOLers going to Lime Rock this weekend? I might make it one day (Sat
or Mon). If I see the famed SOL regalia, I'll be sure to say "hi!"

Bob Lang                Room 11-221            | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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