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good to be back

To: Scions of Lucas <>
Subject: good to be back
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 14:43:59 -31702 (PDT)
   Dianne and I just got back from our summer vacation, and I had ~400 
british car postings to sort thru!  What joy!
   I'll post a trip story shortly, but there are a few threads/posts that       
I think I can shed some light on (or at least make a fool out of myself on).

        Jaguar used the GM400 transmission behind it's V-12 from 1977 on.
So the 1976 XJ-12 would not have one of these.  Basically it's the GM innards
inside a Jaguar case.  Even if they're better than the Borg-Warners, they 
still break.  Others can flog me later, but I have worked on both, go for the
V-8 kit from John's cars in Texas.
        The problem of the thermostatic electric cooling fan switch 
'popping' out of the radiator on late MGB's is common.  The switch, 
Leyland part # URP 1126, and it's associated retaining seal, URP 1127, should
be replaced as a pair, since the rubber can lose some resilience over 
time, and doesn't hold the switch in properly.  Now for the REAL fix, fit 
a Jaguar switch retaining seal, (part number I forget, but it came on certain
E-types).  It is much longer in the 'hat' section, and seems to take care 
of the problem.  
        James Penry, are you totally sure that your motor is overheating?
Regardless of what the gauge reads, can you put your hand on the thermostat
housing with the engine at near-full hot?  Hold a meat thermometer against
this housing with an oven mit, and see what you get.  Have you checked the
voltage in the green/lightgreen wire feeding the temp and fuel gauges? 
   You've probably already tried this, but have you removed the water pump
to ensure the impeller is OK?
        Marcus, read the fuses carefully.  They should say, 
" 17A. continuous  35A. "  This means that they will blow at a short term
amperage that exceeds 35A.  Get original Lucas fuses, they're pretty cheap,
and no local autoparts store will have an equivalent.  Since you've only one
fuse for the heater motor, wipers, signals, brake lights etc, then if you use
a fuse rated for below 35A, you'll have a fuse blow out at the worst time.
Namely, when it's dark, raining, cold and you're braking into a turn.  
  Consider yourself lucky though, Jaguars use 50A (25A continuous) Lucas 
        Our trip was mostly uneventful (thankfully), except for a troublesome
fuel pump wire and a very quirky overdrive unit.  I think my car thought 
I was a thief and was protecting itself by disabling the fuel pump every 
few minutes.    :-)

  I have a new address so if you want to reply directly, I'll be at:
              (case sensitive)

             Greg Meboe      '67 Spit-6   '74 TR-6

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