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The Daimler Pick-up truck

Subject: The Daimler Pick-up truck
From: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691)
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 09:54:01 MDT
Daimler didn't make a pickup truck, did they?

Since my trans was out and still under warranty from a shop in Denver
I took it down to have them "check" it out.  He said it was fine
(yeah, sure) and so Lawrence and I picked up the trans friday at lunch.
Upon our return trip to boulder, I spied an XJ6 on the side of the

  Lawrence: Pull over Scotty, that's Anne!
  Scotty:   Really?  Ok....
  Lawrence: Something must be wrong with the Daimler.  (sweat...sweat...)

Upon pulling up, sure enough, the car in question was, in fact,
Lawrence's prized Daimler.  Anne claimed that the Daimler was making a
funky smell and had pulled over to ensure the integrity of the
Daimler.  What a stroke of luck that the "boys" could save this damsel
in distress!  However, we found that the true distress was coming from
the rear suspension of the daimler.  Anne had picked up 16 boxes of
tile, each weighing 36 lbs each, and had them in the boot.  Lawrence
proceeded to carry several boxes of the said tile, and placed them in
my Jeep.  He then placed Anne in the Jeep and asked us to follow.  :-)
Anne expressed her concern to me that she had hurt the Daimler, but I
comforted her by telling her that Daimler made pickup trucks and used
the suspension of the pickup trucks on their cars.  The journey ended
with tile, trans, Anne and the Daimler all together at the Buja
british mechanical palace.  Anne and the Daimler are reported to be
doing just fine. :-)

More reports to come...(once they happen... ;-)


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  • The Daimler Pick-up truck, Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691 <=