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The search is over! Now the fun begins...

Subject: The search is over! Now the fun begins...
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 1994 07:33:54 -0400
Well, after many years of looking, and being enamored with Little
British Cars, a 1974 Triumph TR6 has taken up residence in my garage!

Was all my time looking well spent?  Should I have simply bought the
first decent one I saw, rather then spending many hours browsing ads,
calling prospective sellers, and examining dozens of cars for sale?  I
really don't know.  What I do know is that I had fun in the search,
and now, for better or worse, a TR6 has me as its owner!

Is the car perfect?  No, but it runs, and hasn't stranded me on the
road yet!  (This may not seem like an exceptional feat, given that it
has only travelled the 47 miles from the previous owner's driveway to
mine.  But, since this was the first time the car had travelled over
eighty yards since 1988, this is something of an accomplishment...)

I'd like to thank all of the people who have given me advice about
various cars for sale over the past 4 years.  I've posted more
questions than I can remember, and received more answers than I have
had disk space to save.  In any case, many thanks to those that have
helped me -- there are dozens of you, and we both know who you are...

But, don't worry, you'll still have plenty of questions to answer.
I'm sure my past questions will have been only the tip of the iceberg,
now that I've got 20 years worth of mechanical and electrical gremlins
to keep at bay! (I'm sure there'll be at least a couple questions
before the TR passes the NH state inspection...)


Kenneth B. Streeter        | ARPA:
Lockheed Sanders           | UUCP: ...!uunet!!streeter
PTP2-A001                  |
65 River Road              | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Hudson, NH 03051           | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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  • The search is over! Now the fun begins..., Ken Streeter <=