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French attitudes

Subject: French attitudes
From: rush@mnementh.Metaphor.COM (Ed Rush)
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 94 16:33:02 PDT
This was passed on to me by a friend, and has no lbc content, but I felt
it would be of interested to those of us who favor cars from north of
the Channel.

>   In case you were wondering why Peugeot went belly up in the US 
>when they were building world class machinery in Europe, this might 
>shed some light on the subject. It's from an article by Ken Gross, 
>Automotive Industries.
>   Years ago at the Peugeot MI16 press preview, I spoke with a French 
>engineer about the defanged US version of what had been touted as 
>Peugeot's Accord fighter.
>  "In France", I reminded him, "this car had 175 hp, stiff 
>suspension, great sport seats, subtle appointments. Here, it's down 
>to 160 hp, the suspension is softer and you've added some useless 
>bright trim...why?"
>   "Nous ne donnons pas la confiture au cochons," was his reply. 
>Translated, that means: "We don't give fine preserves to the pigs."

| Ed Rush, not speaking for Metaphor, Mtn. View, CA            |
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