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sagging doors

Subject: sagging doors
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 94 12:19:47 -0500


Like many older cars, the doors on my '73 BGT
have begun to sag.  So now, in order to close
the doors, I really need to slam them hard.

It seems that I have 2 options available.
  1) Shim up the lower hinge with washers/spacers
     to compensate for the sag in the hinges.
     cost: $5
  2) Replace the hinges.
     cost: $200 (replacing 4 hinges)

I realze there can be some drawbacks to the shim solution.
I believe that you can only shim-up the door so much,
before it won't close anymore.  Also, since I am only
treating the symptom (the sag) and not the problem (worn out hinges)
that this will probably only work for a finite period of time.

Has anyone had experience with either of these options?
   How effective is shimming?, How long will it last?
   Are there cheaper hinges?, Rebuilt ones available?

Are there other options that I have failed to realize?

Any help would be appreciated.

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