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Re: get the point? (was: Re: going to California, too)

To: (T.J. Higgins)
Subject: Re: get the point? (was: Re: going to California, too)
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 94 13:27:23 PDT
> > 25 miles away and still in Palo Alto?  Didn't think it was that big!
>   ^^
> If this is a joke, where's the smiley?  Or is it just an oops?
> Happens to the best of us!  Witness my oil_facts.txt fiasco at the
> ftp site yesterday.

See my response to Larry Snyder's message.  It was an oops!

As for smilies, I never use them 'cuz I hate the damned things!!

Roland "always good for a laugh" Dudley

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