Rolf writes:
>>...I am looking at prices from $2500 to $4000, does this sound reasonable?
This request is more of a curiosity as prices will probably vary greatly region
to region...<<
Yes, in my experience this is the ballpark for a very good quality "respray."
That is to say, not flawless, concours, show quality, but OEM quality or even a
bit better. I'm lucky have the original lacquer paintwork on my '76 2500M in
nearly perfect condition, and the OEM quality is pretty high. My '85 280i,
also original paintwork, has lots of charming OEM drips and sags. It shouldn't
be hard to match OEM TVR finish quality.
The quoted price range is rather wide. I guess the low figure must mean
straightforward respray with little or no GRP work required, and the high
figure must mean some more serious glasswork required. Of course, I have to
add the obligatory -- please make sure the shop you are looking at is up to
snuff in repairing and respraying British GRP work properly. Corvette
restorers aren't preferred, and certainly no panel beaters, even good ones
(unless, of course, either of these has a good record of British GRP repair).
I'm actually having to look into a suitable shop right now for my Elan.
And here's the contact information for The TVR Car Club of North America
Marq Ruben (fearless leader and nice guy)
4450 South Park Ave.
# 1609
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
My dissertation on the history of V8 TVR's I tried to post to the list
obviously didn't make it. Oh, well.
- Steven