Johnathan Leer,
To avoid many hours of pain and agony, call your local Hyundai dealer,
and see what they'll give ***************** NO just kidding.
But Seriously,
Get a kit, rebuild the carb, carefully inspect the brass linkages in the
autochoke to make sure they're not binding, reset the autochoke, make sure
the choke is getting a good supply of hot water, check the sparkplugs and
wires, see if your timing mark 'dances' more than a few degrees at idle,
scratch your noggin, dance a jig, install a Grose-jet in the carb, reset
the mixture, make sure the idle-bypass valve diaphragm is not ripped, reset
the idle-bypass valve, reset the timing, remove the intake manifold, replace
the intake/exhaust manifold gasket (use no sealant), change the air-filter,
check vaccuum lines for leaks, give the vaccuum advance the suck test, make
sure the advance springs in the distributor are intact, eat lunch, put it
all back together, happy motoring. :-)
Greg Meboe