Chris Ball asked:
> Any way I have to ask if any of you over in England use the phrase YOB
> for YOUNG OBJECTIONABLE BOYS. My Dad used to call my friends YOBS in the
> way American would call them Punks.
It certainly is, also in the form yobbos. But my Oxford Concise gives the
deriviation as "back-slang" from boy.
and then Arthur Freeman wanted to know:
> >From the discussion, and the descriptions I guess this is what was called in
> the UK, a Welch Plug (Spelling?).
Much more common is "core plug"; it fills the hole left by the "core"
used in the process of casting.
A core plug blew out of my Cooper S just as I was overtaking someone. The one
right behind the distributor -- so the fire went out, there was a mighty bang
the winds(creen|shield) turned opaque brown from the rusty water. Just what
you need at 80 on the wrong side of the road. Luckily the guy I was overtaking
realised that there was a problem and let me back in to slow down and stop by
looking out of the side window. Took three hours to hitch-hike to the nearest
town, get a new plug, fit it and clean up the mess.
Mike Causer Setanta Technology
Cambridge UK
Utrecht NL
Dublin IRL