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Brake light switch alternatives

Subject: Brake light switch alternatives
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 11:48:36 -0700
Some how my last message got garbled so I'm giving it another

A couple of people responding to my hydraulic brake light switch
problem suggested putting a mechanical switch on the brake pedal itself.
This notion also occurred to me and since this is the way all newer car
brake lights operate there ought to be plenty of variations on this
theme available to choose from.  I'm going to eyeball my other cars to
see what these switches look like and how they are mounted.  The problem
is all my other cars have pedal arms that pivot from the top and switch
placement is relatively straight forward.  Snakes on the other hand have
a setup typical of many Brit cars of the era consisting of a pedal box
underneath with a pivot shaft through the middle.  The pedals come up
through a screwed down sheet metal cover on the floor.  This means there
isn't anything very solid close to the pedal's throw to attach a switch
to or for a switch attached to the pedal to strike.  I don't really want
to installed some ugly looking permanent kludge so I'm trying to come up
with a simple alternative.  Does anyone have a similar brake pedal setup
with a mechanical switch that might be adaptable?

To Chris Ball:  I don't think using your transmission for braking is
going to cause excessively wear.  Continue having fun.


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