I have a dilema and am hoping the wisdom of the list will come up with the
answer. My 1969 MGB motor burned a hole in in the exaust valve of # 3
cylinder back in December. I didn't think much of it at the time as I
had recently purchased this car and chalked it up to previous inherent
problems. I swapped the head for another which I had in the basement. It
was a head with the air injecter holes for the tubes from the air pump.
Well, everything went along nicely until Friday evening. I had just
pulled off a freeway and felt a power loss, checking yersterday morning I
found no compression on # 3 cylinder. After removing the head I
discovered the exaust valve in # 3 cylinder burned trough.....AGAIN.....
It looked the same as the other head. Was I having somekind of dejavu ??
Well, I put both heads on the bench and ponderd them next to one another.
Then I removed the burned valves, both were burned through in a V shape
manner at the edge, exactly the same. I was about to attribute the cause
to an air tube leak but quickly noticed that only the head I had replaced
back in December had the air tube holes. The original head was without
these holes, so much for this theory. Well, I went about replacing the
burned valve and put the motor back together and it's running ..again.
So now, how long before it burns a hole it another valve ?? I cannot come
up with the solution to this dilema. Anyone out there with some possible
reason for this occurance ?????? Sure would appreciate an answer before I
burn anotherr valve. Or is this routine service on 1969 MGBs ?
Frank "thanks for listening to my woes" Condelli
* Frank Condelli * Carp, Ontario, Canada * ad793@Freenet.carleton.ca *