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Re: New to the List MG-TDs anB

To: (John D Borrows)
Subject: Re: New to the List MG-TDs anB
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 94 8:31:23 PST
> first.  Well I started cleaning mud off the front suspension and desided a 
> littlle disassembly would make cleaning it up easier.  In two weeks I had it 
> down to the frame, with the engine on a rack, and every thing else pretty 
> disassembled.  I also had a list o things that I wanted to replace.  I 

Ah yes, the dreaded shipwright's disease.

> looking for parts and found a disassembled parts car in the hands of a 
> nut.  I could see enough of the parts I wanted to exceed the price he wanted 
> for the car, so I bought it for parts.  It was TOTALLY disassembled and loose 

> parts were included and the car was more than all there, so I abandoned the 
> idea that it was for parts for the first car, and started the parrallel 
> restoration of both of them.

In spades!

> done!)  Meanwhile I found the B, not running in the hands of the original 
> owner.  I bought it right (he wanted a good home for it) and found the only 

> I drive it all summer (I've a '66 Dodge Charger for bad weather) and really 
> enjoy it.

Having a driver you truely enjoy while doing a frame-up restoration is
the only sane approch, IMO.  

Roland "fomer TD owner, disassembler and boxer-up" Dudley

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