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A few questions

Subject: A few questions
From: "Michael Carnell, (803)556-0562" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 1994 22:04:37 -0500 (EST)
Hi!  I am new to this group although not new to LBCs.  I have just gotten 
"back into it" with the purchase of a 1977 MGB, and I have a few questions.
First, what is the best/cheapest source of sheet metal products?  To be exact
I am looking for a trunk floor. Moss, RF, SCIP, etc... are all at about $90.
Does anyone know of a less epensive source?

Second, is the British magazine Practical Classics still around?  I use to 
subscibe but now can't find it.

Thanks for your help!

Michael Carnell

- A little history: Founder of the British Car Club in Charleston, SC.  Have 
had MGBGTs, MG Midgets, Spitfire, TR3 and 250, Mini, MG 1100, Rover 3500,
Jag Mk I, Land Rover, Sunbeam Imps, Metroplitan, TR7, etc...  Now have a Mazda
wife, child, and '77 MGB.

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