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Re>National Anthems

To: "British Cars" <>
Subject: Re>National Anthems
From: "Rob Reilly" <>
Date: 16 Mar 1994 12:00:26 -0600
REGARDING                Re>National Anthems
 Will "Histroy is fun" Zehring is close enough to rate a cigar. Phil Ethier
also gets a partial credit.

 Anyway, it was Richard Seaman who won the 1938 German Grand Prix in a

 The Mercedes executives told Hitler that Seaman was the best driver on the
team, so after throwing a tantrum, the Fuehrer had given orders that the
"politically incorrect" Englishman should finish fourth behind the three German
drivers (all SS Sturmfuehrers). But Lang's car ran slow, Caracciola got sick,
and Von Brauchitsch's pit crew spilled fuel all over his car, which caught
fire. After the fire was out he got going again but his steering wheel came off
the post and he ended up in the woods.

 So the Chancellor had to stand for "God Save the King".

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