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Various & Sundrie Items of Interest to the Gathered Multitude

Subject: Various & Sundrie Items of Interest to the Gathered Multitude
From: (Gregory Petrolati)
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 17:08:24 -0600

I have been enjoying the various items tha have been comming down 
"the pipe" in this digest. I was alerted to your existance a short
while ago and since I'm afflicted with a Britsh Car of my own, well,
as the saying goes, "Any support group in a storm".

Here is some more information on the Champagne British Car Festival
that will be held in Urbana, Illinois over the Memorial Day Week-end.

This is the 3rd annual festival that the Central Illinois Triumph
Owners Assn. and the Prairie Octagon MG club will be hosting. Despite
two years of despicable weather, we have attracted well over 125 
vehicles in the previous two inCARnations. Thsi year we are fighting
back! We have been scouring the countryside and have found a virgin
to sacrifce to Meteora (goddess of weather). So we are once again
expecting no problems (unless the old bat kicks off before the event).

The feature for this year's festival are, a TSD road rallye, part-
tcipant's choice car show (with some really unique trophies), 
antique aircraft fly-in, photo, crafts and model competition. New
for this year will be high tea in the mansion at beautiful
Allerton park. We will cruise over to the park on Saturday P.M.
where we will be served tea and whatevers in typical British fashion.
Along with tea there will be a lecture on the significance of tea
time in Great Britian, given by Mr. Robin Weathrall, of St. Louis.

All weekend log our hospitality suite will be open and stocked with
goodies provided by local merchants.  Ther will be the usual auto-
jumble with merchants selling bits and related British auto Para-

To get on our mailing list please contact me through the digest with
your mailing address. we will forward you a brochure when they are
released from the printer. or call Rick Ingram at (217) 469-2007.

I hope to see you all there!

                                TTRR (Transitional TRs Rule!)
                                        Gregory Petrolati

        Gee Brain, what will we        The same thing we do every
        do tonight?                    night, Pinky... Try to take
             <NARF!>                   over the world!

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