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Re: MGA 1500 "Special Tuning"

Subject: Re: MGA 1500 "Special Tuning"
From: Jay Nemeth-Johannes <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 94 13:32:45 MST
>I have a "Special Tuning Guide" for the MGA 1500 and 1600.  Since my
>car hasn't been on the road in 12 to 14 years, I'm certainly going to
>do a full rebuild on the engine.
Hi Al,
  I've been reading your tale, and have a question/comment? Was the
car running OK when you took it down?  If so, I wouldn't mess with it
unless necessary. It's kind of aversion therapy for shipright's
disease. If you tear it down, you are going to find things that
"really" need doing, and by the time its back up, you've lost another

  I'm currently doing a 58 Magnette.  When I drove down to Texas to
pick it up, Jim Fink had boiled out the carbs and gotten it running
after sitting 30 years (thanks, Jim!).  The car holds oil pressure,
has good compression and isn't smoking.  Once home, I proceeded to
synch the carbs, and change the points, condensor, and wires.  Once I
figure out what to do, I plan to also change needles for this thin
Colorado air.  That's it.  Its running great, so why mess with it?

If you must, my friend still has the newly rebuilt 1600 from his
racecar available.  


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