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Vinyl Paint and Changing an exhaust Manifold - 75 Midget

Subject: Vinyl Paint and Changing an exhaust Manifold - 75 Midget
From: (John Loucks)
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 94 10:50:11 EST
Hi folks...

All this talk about interior restorations has proded my memory about a 
question I have been meaning to ask the net. Actually I have two.

First, has anyone used vinyl paint before? I can't afford to redo my interior 
as I just forked out nearly $300 CDN for an exhaust manifold for my 75 Midget.
Does it work well for a short term renovation? How well does it change current seats are beige but the PO repainted the car Fire Engine 
Red so the combination looks kinda strange. I would like to change to black.

Second, what should I look out for when changing the exhaust manifold.  It 
doesn't look too difficult and I have a shop manual but....are there any 
secrets?  It is a job I can do without welding isn't it?

Thanks for all your help in advance.

@@  John A. Loucks                      @@ If you go for a job interview,  @@
@@  (519) 432-6691                      @@ do you ask if they prosecute?   @@
@@  Western Business School             @@                  Jack Handey    @@
@@        @@ HBS, what's that?               @@

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