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The History of the M.G. Car Company

Subject: The History of the M.G. Car Company
From: (Robert T. Weverka)
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 1994 12:53:05 -0700 writes:
>Beginning perhaps as early as 1923, Kimber started producing rebodied
>"specials" built on Morris Oxford chassis, adapting striking bodywork
>that was normally lighter and more "streamlined" than the originals,
>with corresponding improvements in performance.

Curious,  My first car was a 1961 Morris Oxford.  I didn't know that the
name dated back so far.  My grandfather (Gough Industries) was the sole
importer of this car to the U.S.  My parents bought the car  new in 1961,
and handed it down to me 16 years later.

I don't imagine the 1961 Morris Oxford had much in common with anything
they built in 1923, but if they used the same name for so long, perhaps
this is some kind of record.  Beats the Ford Mustang, and even the


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