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Re: Fire Extinguishers

To: Joe Flake <>
Subject: Re: Fire Extinguishers
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 07:43:49 PST
In message <> you write:
>In previous writings...
>> > a thread on fire protection?
>   During the
>   walkaround, the technician pointed to the valves at the top of
>   the halon tanks, and referred to the "Jesus nuts".  Huh?  What was
>   that?  Yep, he said, that's what we call them.  Everytime the
>   system goes off, somebody is sure to say "Jeeeeeesus!".)

Bell UH-1 Helicopters (The ubiquitous "Huey" of Viet Nam fame) have a single
large nut at the top of the main rotor shaft that holds the rotor on.  Of 
course it's grade six zillion and safety wired six ways from sunday, but it's 
still called the Jesus Nut, because if it breaks, only He can save you.


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