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MGB Fender Removal

To: <>
Subject: MGB Fender Removal
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 94 01:33:39 CST
SendMail TO(BritCars) Subj(MGB Fender Removal) File(JAN29943.oma)
BlackTiger Mailer - Msg Created 01-29-1994 .. 01:21:04
>Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 7:09:05 -0800 (PST)
>From: "John F. Kolb" <"DLV1::RACERX"@YMV5.YMP.GOV>
>Subject: MGB Fender Removal
>Louis asks about MGB fender removal...
..... STUFF DELETED .....
>JKF - - 1969 MG Midget that runs, 1969 MGB that doesn't
>Vague memories and reminises of the Author Alone, if I recall, Senator.
Thank your very much for the detailed procedure on fender removal.
I will keep the list posted as to how this is going.
The most important thing now is to get started on the project before
the lady changes her mind!

 ! Louis A. Poche'                 !  Chief Engineer                  !
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 ! FAX:         (504) 865-3666     !  New Orleans, LA 70118           !

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