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Randy and oil filters and pressures

Subject: Randy and oil filters and pressures
From: Dennis <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 1994 18:06:05 -0700 (MST)
Randy, thanks for the info on oil filters.  You are correct on all counts.
The car with the loud noise at start up is in fact a VW Vanagon (air cooled).
The reason my B took about 10 seconds to get up to pressure is because
some bozo (aka PO) used a yankee tranny cooler for an oil cooler and fitted
the "oil-from-the-engine" tube to the TOP inlet of the
cooler.  So when you turned off the engine all the oil drained back into
the sump.  I got a different cooler and reversed the tubes and great oil
pressure in a split second.

I'm gonna change the oil filter (Amsol) to a "normal" one and see what
happends.  And I'm gonna fit an oil gauge.

Cheers Dennis

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