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Re: Bay Area SOL Winter Tour

Subject: Re: Bay Area SOL Winter Tour
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 94 21:27:20 EST
From: (Scott Fisher)

|> Well, events have conspired to pick a date for the SOL Winter
|> Tour I mentioned.  Basically, on Sunday, January 30, Shel Hall
|> is going to be in the Monterey/Carmel area, with no doubt some
|> ubiquitous rental box, but what the heck.  I've been in touch
|> with TeriAnn, who after all introduced me to the route for the
|> annual DBTBCM tour, and she has another one that winds its way
|> through Corralitos and the beach.  We're coordinating efforts
|> at that end separately and will have more information as it
|> becomes available.

Hmmm. What a great idea.  I think it's time for the first annual
Midwest Area Winter Tour.  I think tomorrow would be a good day (today
would have been excellent at 22 below, but I didn't think of it in time)
So, please join us as we will wind our way through some snow covered corn
fields with our tops down, wind in our hair, snow on our noses.  A
special prize has been donated by the Kettering Hospital Frostbite Unit
for the first person to find out what the wind chill is when you are
going 100 mph in -20 temps with the top down.  We'll also find out what
kind of oil pressure you can get from the starter at -20 when using

|> Stan's Doughnuts
|> on El Camino Real near Kiely
|> Santa Clara, CA  

The only doughnuts on this tour will be those performed in the parking
lot by our shiney lbc's.

|> --Scott "I'd like to send this next-day air to the apex, please" Fisher

Oh yeah :-)

Bob "whose praying when he leaves in an hour his Mazda will start
unlike this morning" Jones

p.s. Anyone with a job offer for me in a locale that currently has temps
above 0 will win a rust free MGB trunk.  Denver/Boulder is preferable,
but will entertain offers from Austin, North Carolina, Salt Lake City,
or California. 

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