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Getting the diff out...

Subject: Getting the diff out...
From: Ian Macky <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 94 13:12:09 PST
Me again...

Well, I didn't even get to first base removing my TR6 diff.  Car's up on
stands in my tiny 1-car garage, but after crawling underneath to see
about removing the (custom) exhaust, I discovered it was constructed
IN PLACE.  It's 1 piece, front-to-back, all welded solid.  Ugh!  So now
I have to loosen the whole thing and jockey it around and try to get
enough room at the slip joint to grind off the two 1" welds keeping it
together.  Is this the usual way exhausts are installed?  What a pain...

As long as I'm going through this, are there any other TR6 parts I should
renew while the diff is out?  Axle U-joints perhaps?  Anything else?

--ian mutter mutter

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