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LBC Mods vs. Calif. Emmissions.

Subject: LBC Mods vs. Calif. Emmissions.
From: Ken Key <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 1994 11:36:53 -0500
  I'm considering a move to the left coast (Santa Cruz area) and am
concerned about bringing my LBC into the state.  It's a '73 TR-6 that I 
bought "restored" and then promptly had to rebuild the engine and trany 
(clutch is next).  When I bought the car, it was sans EGR.  I suspect 
I'll have to replace that.  During the re-build, my engine builder put 
in a mildly racy cam (Iskenderian Z-19 - It's grind seemed similar to 
the street/mild race in the TR-6 performance handbook) and headers 
(cracked manifold), as well as electric fan, oil cooler, etc. 
(fighting a temp. problem).

Am I automaticly in trouble because of the cam and/or headers, or is it solely
up to the sniffer?  Could some kind soul direct me to who the appropriate
Calif. agency is for these questions and specs? (DMV???)  I'd like to test 
it and get it right here before I haul it cross-continent.

Thanks for any info,
Ken Key  (
PS Do calif. vanity plates allow 8 letters?  I'm thinking of MONEYPIT :-)

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