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Re: Craftsman tools

To: DANIELS@LMSBVX.TAMU.EDU (Lee Daniels Texas A&M University)
Subject: Re: Craftsman tools
From: (Jennifer Joy)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 10:45:02 CST
> PhilE says...
> >I have had good luck with Sears replacing Craftsman sockets.  I have also
> >had good luck with Wards replacing PwrCraft sockets.  Even though they no
> >longer sell them.  They pay me to buy a Craftsman from Sears!
> Sears has always replaced mine with no questions, even the screwdriver I 
> broke in half using it as a pry bar.  But now I find that Western Auto 
> carries the full line of Craftsman tools, and our local W.A. has a much 
> better selection stocked than the Sears store.  Is this a deal between 
> Sears and W.A., and does Western Auto carry the same guarantee?  

Sears bought Western Auto (I think) and that's when Western Auto
started carrying Craftsman tools. I believe everything carries over
as far as warranty.

(who just realized one should not put a Coke in a bag with a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich...oops...squish)

       Jennifer Joy  sys/net admin   Motorola/RISC HW  Austin,TX   512.891.8561   pgr:928.7447 #9561

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