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Re: Grose Jets

To: british-cars@hoosier,
Subject: Re: Grose Jets
From: (Randell Jesup)
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 94 13:52:44 -0500
        Since you said your old needles are "all messed up", they need to
be replaced.  Grose Jets aren't "jets", really, they're float valves for the
fuel chamber in the carb.  You pop the pin holding the float, remove the old
needle-valve with a socket or wrench, and pop the Grose Jets in.  You might
want to take care to note the position of the float when the valve is closed
before removing the old one, though you can also do it the way the manual

        I replaced my needle valves with Grose jets as part of a carb rebuild
3 years ago (the diaphragms had split).  I've had no problems since, they've
worked perfectly (though Teriann had bad luck with them when she used them).

        Randell Jesup, '70 TR6

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