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Re: Mouses vs. upholstery

To: (W. Ray Gibbons)
Subject: Re: Mouses vs. upholstery
From: (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 1994 09:50:28 -0600 (CST)
W. Ray Gibbons >
> So far, no problems, but I do have nightmares in which mice, their mouths
> full of carpet, play a significant part.  How do others deal with this?

Well first of all, I never have carpet in my LBCs.  If you are going to
store a car you want to get that stuff out, if possible, so it can't hold
moisture.  Since my sports cars never have carpet in the summer, I don't
have to take it out in the winter.  Another advantage in the Europa is
that my right foot has a better chance of hitting one pedal at a time, and
the pedal does not get jammed up by the carpet (a fairly common Europa
problem).  The downside is that it is another thing that keeps the car
from running in the Street Prepared Solo II class.

Also, I have been told that mice don't like mothballs any more than the
mothes do.  No personal experience, though.

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