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I'm baacck!

To: (~vtr), (~b-c), (~tr8j)
Subject: I'm baacck!
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 28 Nov 1993 23:58 EST
I'm baaaaccck!  Well maybe not yet in the office, but I'm
connected through UNIX and the internet from home.  As I
posted about 2 weeks ago, I was scheduled for surgery to
remove a pituitary adenoma (low, grade brain tumor they call it)
which was aftecting my vision because it was impacting the
optic path for my left eye.

The surgery went as planned (Tuedsay 11/16) and I was delighted
to come out of the anesthesia with my vision problem totally
gone.  Six days later (Sunday 11/21) I went home.  Unfortunately,
the next day I began experiancing headaches and neck pain when
I stood or sat up.  I got through Monday by staying in bed.
Tuesday I experienced the same problem and my doctor had me come to
the hospital that afternoon.  By that time I absolutely
couldn't stand or sit up without the terrible neck pain.

He readmitted me and ran several tests including another "cat"
scan.  All showed no apparent swelling, or anyther problem
which left the likely cause of the pain as being low spinal fluid.
A low spinal fluid produces the headaches and subsides totally
when the person lays down.  They put me on intravenous
to supplement my other intake.  The next day I was able to
stay upright or stand for up to 15 minute intervals before
I began experiencing any apparent pain.  

On thursday (Thanksgiving) I was able to stay up for an initial
1/2 hour, then rested for an hour, then up a full hour, etc.
At that point, I was again released and have had no recurrance of
any pain/headaches despite standing or sitting up for periods
much longer than the 1 hour sessions on Thursday.

Guess the "leaking fluid" syndrom we have with our british cars
carries over to the owner of the breed also :-)

So, I'm doing great again and will be back in the thick of things 
over the next week or so.  

Thanks to all for your notes of support and encouragement.

Bill Sohl

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