> Calvin,
> I take this to mean that issue 3 is already on the stands?
> Roland
I just bought my first "COBRA" magazine last week at a local (BIG!)
grocery store, first time I've ever seen it! The cover says "Vol 2 No 1",
and is the issue advertising that subscriptions are now available along with
the Integrity GT-40 kit giveaway (they _will_ assemble it for you "for a
special price"...).
I studied the masthead trying to determine the publication frequency to
try and figure out how many issues were published as "Vol 1", but couldn't
find any reference to it, e.g., "published quarterly", etc. I did discover,
however, that the masthead states "$14.95 for four issues;... $26.95 for
twelve issues..." while the subscription/kit giveaway entry form on page 83
states "six issues... for $14.95". Maybe this is a special deal; using
basic math (which is all I can muster at this hour), would $26.95 get a
subscription for eighteen issues?
I am going to send them a FAX at (714)572-1864 and ask them about the
subscription price, as well as getting _all_ the back issues, however many
that may be! When I get a reply I'll pass it on...
-Tony in WI
Drive Carefully!