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Re: the African Queen

To: (John Lupien) (John Lupien)
Subject: Re: the African Queen
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 10:40:00 PST
> > Is there anyone out there who has one of these who can verify that it can
> > in fact live happily on a 15 AMP circuit?  Any recommendations for other
> > models of medium duty compressors?
> Hi Tim,
>    I have the Campbell-Hausfield 2.5HP 20 gallon tank version, and I have
> it running on a 15 amp circuit without too much trouble. If it switches

There are a number of 120V compressors on the market these days which
are rated between 2 and 3 hp (Sears sell several).  120V X 15A = 1.8 Kw
and 120 X 20A = 2.4Kw, so one has to wonder about these ratings.  I
don't recall the conversion factor off hand but I believe it's something
like .75 X Kw = hp.  I've been told that these ratings refer to "peak"
power or something like that, which implies to me that these hp ratings
are a bit bogus for sustained output.

Maybe someone can clarify what these ratings really mean and if there's
any advantage to buying one of these "higher" hp rated compressor.

Roland "still dry and odor free" Dudley 

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