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Re[2]: Puzzle with 5K parts

Subject: Re[2]: Puzzle with 5K parts
From: Kendall Robinson <>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 12:02:16 EST
TeriAnn Wakeman writes >

>I should have taken pictures.

Absoblankinglutely.  This one's going in my quote file.

I took lots of pix of my Europa chassis after the gang lifted the body off
but before I started pulling parts off of it.  Smartest idea ever.  As the
thing was going back together, I was always looking through this pile of
pictures in the garage.  Felt pretty smug about my foresight.

Phil Ethier, THE RIGHT LINE, 672 Orleans St, Saint Paul, MN  55107-2676

         Another little lesson I learned, especially applicable to
         bare-to-the-bones type restorations, is don't go hacking and
         cutting things loose before checking to see how much they
         cost to buy new.

         For example:

              Those inexpensive looking windshield finishing strips
              for the BGT...expensive.

              Those trivial looking chrome finishers for the door

         In addition to knowing where to put things back, it's useful
         to know before hand which parts you should remove carefully
         and which parts you can cut, grind, tear, yank, bend, and


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