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Re: fisher roman empire

Subject: Re: fisher roman empire
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 10:17:25 -0800
In message <931103105644.2240bd44@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>  writes:
> A great post!  Highly digressive, but in fascinating ways.
> You're the James Burke of britcars.
> The reason I'm responding is because of an ad in British Cars
> magazine.  They're looking for technical writer/contributing
> editor types.  Wish you'd consider it; the mag is fun but
> shallow, and you'd cure that in an instant.
> Cheery-pip,
> Dan Parslow
> LBCs owned: Herald, Cortina GT, Spitfire
>     sought: TR4A/250
>  dreamt of: Morgan +8, TVR Chimaera, Caterham K.


You are making the assumption that the Magazine will pay him for his work.  I 
purchased a two year subscription, got 3 issues and they stopped coming.  I 
called & the person at the Mag said they would make sure I got my magazines & 
provide the back issues I missed.  Still nothing.  A second call got me nothing.
No magazines, no refund.  I gave up on them as a badly run company that might be
on financially shakey grounds.  That was about two years ago.

Ex-customer, still unhappy

TeriAnn Wakeman             One of these days, I'll be old enough that          people will stop calling me crazy and start
LINK: TWAKEMAN              calling me eccentric.
408-974-2344        TR3A - TS75519L, MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, 109 - 164000561

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