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Daimler Article and Phoenix

Subject: Daimler Article and Phoenix
From: (Clay Robinson)
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 93 18:24:51 EDT
MESSAGE from      23-SEP-93 18:23
From: Clay Robinson <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 93 20:09:57 EDT

From: crobinso
Full-Name: Clay Robinson@program support
Subject: Happenings in Phoenix? Daimler Article
Cc:, crobinso

I will be in Phoenix beginning Saturday evening 25 Sept and was wondering if
there are LBC people in that area or happenings that I should be aware of.
I will be staying at the Hilton in Scottsdale.

My phone rang with an interesting phone call last week.  The caller said he
had met me several years ago at a local car show and wondered if I would mind
having my Daimler Dart SP-250 featured in the local daily paper.  This is a
paper that is published in the Metro Washington DC area.  How could I decline
the opportunity to publicize the reliability of a great LBC.  Since it was
not convenient to be at home when the photographer arrived, I told them that
the Daimler would be left on the street all day with top down and with trees
and grass as backdrop, i.e. no houses to blemish the beauty.  Getting the car
to the street was more of a chore than I thought.

Since LBCs have so much personality, I should have realized that putting the
car on the street would be more of a chore than anticipated.  When I tried to
start the car, the floats in one of the HD-6 carbs stuck open and of course
gas poured onto the garage floor. Seems the brass nut that holds the top on
the float is a strange size.  Is that one of those silly whitworth sizes?

After opening the floats draining the varnished gas (since car has not gotten
much use lately) filling the floats with fresh gas, the car of course
started instantly (with a bit of choke in and out manipulation).

As the car started to roll out of the garage, of course the brake pedal
easily went to the floor with no pressure.  Seems the Girling gods were
thirsty and drank all brake fluid out.  hmm.  No time on calendar for
bleeding brakes so I filled reservoir, pumped them a bit and backed out
the car.  Fortunately no oncomming traffic.

Photographer was at my house for an hour, according to my wife.  Seems that
he was complaining that the sun was too bright against the chrome and paint.
I suppose those of you with missing chrome and faded/blemished paint have
it that way for a reason.  I used to have a sunbeam tiger that scored 49
points at a Concours.  No worries there regarding dinged doors.

The article and picture are due out Friday of this week.  Hope I am not
misquoted as the press is so inclined to do.

The bottom line to above is, if there is a car show in your area, show
your car!!  You never know who you will meet and what wisdom you will
gain from those folks.

Clay Robinson
(703)644-0419 in Springfield, VA

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