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Re: Drive this coming weekend

Subject: Re: Drive this coming weekend
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 08:41:55 -0700
>Date: Wed, 8 Sep 93 11:54:27 PDT
>From: megatest!bldg2fs1! (Scott Fisher)
>Subject: Re: Drive this coming weekend

>Just to remind everyone about this coming Saturday:

>    Second Annual "Day Before The Britcars Meet"
>            Sports Car Tour and Picnic

>Where:      Planned stops include a visit to the San Gregorio
>            General store (a real Northern California icon), 
>            Norm's Market in Pescadero for amazingly good fresh
>            baked goods (try their artichoke focaccia for a super
>            picnic bread), Bonny Doon Winery for a semiprivate 
>            tour and tasting, a picnic at a site to be announced
>            (right now we're debating on the grass airstrip on
>            Empire Grade, or the picnic grounds at Hallcrest
>            Vineyards in Felton), and several optional plans
>            including the Hakone Gardens in Saratoga and 
>            possibly an early dinner in Cupertino (location to
>            be announced).



This is implied but I just wanted to make sure:  Is it safe to assume that
the stops at San Gregorio GS and Norm's Market will be before lunch?
What I'm getting at is can we buy lunch fixings along the way or should
we pack something to bring along?


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