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Girling Master Cylinders

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Girling Master Cylinders
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1993 21:17:15 +0000 (GMT)
Bill Sohl writes:

Recently the brakes on my TR-3A (a low mileage, original car) began
to show the following symtoms[...]
I used girling rebuild kit GISP1995, and replaced all rubber parts
plus the little circular spring, so I don't suspect them being at


Your problem is almost certainly the little three-legged
thingie at the bottom of the bore.  I had my sessions with that
thing! There's a real Rube Goldberg machine down in there!

  The three legs provide the clearance that lets the valve
open.  And they wear out in time.  Either they get rubbed
down, or corrode, I don't know which.  To be sure everything's
copacetic, replace:

   * the three-legged thingie
   * the thin flat washer behind it
  I really wonder why this stuff isn't included in
so-called ``rebuild kits''.

                             - Jerry
* Jerry Kaidor,     *
*                    KF6VB                                    *

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