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Re: TR6 gas tanks and crud

Subject: Re: TR6 gas tanks and crud
From: "Chris Kent Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 13:23:43 PDT
        _Can_ I drain it in place?

Yes, if you're careful. On the passenger side, exactly analogous to
where the fuel line is on the driver's side, there's a drain plug. It
takes a Whitworth wrench on the head, and may be obscured by the foam
gasket/buffer that goes around it.

You probably want to take that out *and* the fuel line fitting (use a
flare wrench) - the tank is baffled internally, so it'll be difficult
to drain completely in place.

You might also consider just running some toluene in your fuel for a
while (say, an oz per gallon for two or three fillups) to try to
dissolve the crud, and carry a couple of spare fuel filters and be
ready to fit them. Filters are cheap, pulling the tank is a pain.

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