Bob Jones ( writes:
> Now that JCWhitless has takend two months to tell me that they don't
> have the front anti-sway bar I ordered in stock and won't be getting
> it any time soon, ...
What's the collective net experience on J.C. Whitney? Mine is that they
usually come through with orders, but it's guesswork as to what brand the
stuff is. They seem to get _all_kinds_ of quality, from good stuff through
outright junk to "miracle" pills to fake parts... Not critical, but in the
past I bought several high-mount brake lights that were obvious forgeries
of the GM design, molded in popular interior colors and great for visually
updating early-80's GM models. GM apparently found out about it and slammed
the lid on the whole supply chain, though. Pity.
> (any suggestions for inexpensive hotels?)
Motel 6 seems eager to please. Holiday Inn has let me down too many times.
Avoid hotels with common heating/AC systems -- they'll always have heat
when you want cold, and vice versa. If the place doesn't have individual
A/C units visible, drive on.
> Day two I want drive through the Smoky Mountain Natl. Park and then take
> the Blueridge Parkway to I-26 and then continue on to Myrtle (something
? like I-26 to I-40 to 501.)
Smoky Mountains are gorgeous. Been There, Done That. :-) Watch for speeding
(I mean _speeding_) semis on the downhill slopes.
> A while ago someone (I believe it was Phil Ethier) posted that the bolt
> pattern was the same for MGB's as for several Nissan/Datsun products.
Wasn't the Chevy Vega also mentioned? If so, the Chevette may also qualify.
> I may take the car to Louisville and back this weekend as another test.
A shakedown cruise of 100-200 miles is highly recommended. If everything
behaves itself, I'd go the distance.
One add-on I would not do without: a CB radio. You don't have to chatter
on it; just listen and the interstate truckers (not the local bozos) are
always passing updates along to the oncoming traffic. Keep lights on, too.
Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc. Internet:
441 W. Huron UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL 60610 FAX: (312) 266-4473