Can anyone enlighten me as to how much oil should be spraying around underneath
the rocker cover of a BL series A engine ?
I have a Mini 1275GT which had a damaged oil pressure relief valve
which eventually caused my rocker shaft to grind into powder. I fitted
a new valve and replaced the whole rocker assembly. I however have
noticed that the inside of the rocker cover appears to be quite dry
(no oil) and was wondering if that should be the case or not.
Taking into consideration that the oil pump can put out pressures of
100+ PSI when the oil pressure valve is fully closed (60 PSI under
normal operation), and that the oilway from the main gallary up to the
top of the head is only 2 mm or so in diameter, which then feeds the
rocker shaft which in turn distributes the oil through sixteen 1mm oil
holes, I'm not really sure what to expect.
(o o)
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