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Re: US Importation...was Re: '73 Stag

Subject: Re: US Importation...was Re: '73 Stag
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 18 Dec 1992 13:54 EST
>       I was wondering if the ever used a different engine in the 74 - 77
>british versions of the stag.

The 3.0 L Stag Engine was the only engine used in all Stags.

Due to the engine problems, there has been a small niche
market of businesses that have catered to Stag engine 
conversions (eg. To Ford V6, etc) in the UK.  Total
Stag production was on the order of 25,000 units, most of
which stayed in the UK.  US sales I think were around
3000 or so units for all years (70-73)

Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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