About the sythetic oils.
Automobile magazine's technical writer, has a column on synthetic oils
in the December issue. It's not that syntheti oils are 'slippery',
exactly, it's more a matter of them being a more exact mixture of
hydrocarbons, and having better anti-oxidant properties (which keeps
them from breaking down in the engine).
You (me, any lbc owner...) is recommended to not try to use synthetics
to extend the service intervals, because you still need to change the
oil to remove contaminants.
I can fax a copy of this column to anyone who is interesed...
And I do go through extended periods where my TR7 is my daily driver
(so to speak, I walk to work, but do about 150 miles every weekend)
And I have yet to have the TR7 leave me on the roadside. Unlike my
Chrysler (which gets to see the snow and mud...)
Gregfieldson@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu Dept of Chemical Engineering
"When my Spitfire grows up, it's The Johns Hopkins University
going to be a big Healey!" Baltimore, Maryland 21218