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Commuting in LBCs

Subject: Commuting in LBCs
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 92 12:53:59 -0600
My Rabbit was out of commission for about three weeks as I learned how to
change out a water pump (I know, I know, it's about a 1-hour job), and I drove
the TR250 every day to work, 110 miles round trip. Towards the end I could
hear a U-joint acting up in the right halfshaft, but it performed well the
whole time. And, as was previously mentioned, I did have to spend some time
each weekend doing some maintenance. 

I hope to get the GT6+ ready for commuting soon. I think I'll still drive the
old Rabbit (242,000 miles) in nasty weather, though. I've got to get a new
front valance on and get it painted, plus a few other minor things, and I'll
be ready. I hope to be driving it in January some time, barring snowy weather.
I really believe these cars can do just fine, as long there is some time
spent weekly doing some maintenance.


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  • Commuting in LBCs, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626 <=