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Windows & gaskets

To: <>
Subject: Windows & gaskets
From: LFA15CD!
Date: 08 DEC 92 12:36
  Well first, I installed a rubber cover gasket a couple of years ago,
and in the last rainy day, I heard the BMC "Clunk" ("The parts falling
from this car are of the finest British manufactur!") and large volumes
of smoke proceeded to exude from beneath the bonnet of my '66 MG/MGBGT.
  When I got around to removing enough left-side encumberances from the
engine, sure enough, the rear cover had fallen off! Remembering the
telltale "Clunk," I returned to the site and found the cover, the
gasket, and the bolt (Two days later!). The cover was only slightly
 warped from having been driven over by multiple vehicles, so I
"Blue-printed" it with a hammer, replaced everything, and it seems
  So be forwarned, the rubber gaskets may compress, loosening the bolt!
  Now the REAL reason for my submission: I'm repainting the "B", and
want to replace the rubber side-window squeegies. However, the glass
obstructs access to these. Is it necessary to remove the pane from the
lower track? Is there a better way? My Haynes manual mentions dismantling
the crank mechanism before removing the glass... Seems odd. How is this
REALLY done?
  ALSO: Any hints on removing and replacing the rear hatch gasket?
ASIDE from: "Installation of the new gasket is a simple reverse of the
above procedure!"

                    }%{ Philippe Tusler }%{
          "Outside of a dog, a book is Man's best friend."
            "...Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read!"
                                         Groucho Marx

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